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The "Rocca Roveresca": the first nucleu built by the Romans a tower to protect the port, in 1350 it was inlarged and became the little cardinal's Albornoz fortress, under the Urbino dukedom it was restructureted twice, the first by Sigismondo Malatesta in 1450, then by Della Roveres, who were Senigallia aboriginal, made here one of the most beautiful fortress which defended the dukedom bourdary. The whole sorpride for the harmonious, placid Reinessance air of the rooms normly meant to the Duca's offices. The Palazzetto Baviera: situated in Del Duca Square supported at the "Rocca Roveresca" was lived, since 1474 (year of the beginning of Della Rovere rule), by Giovanni Giacomo Baviera (Duca's parent), who made the restructuration of an fourteenth century pre-existent house. The stucco of the fifth room of the higher floor were made by Federico Branbani in 1560 and shows scenes of the old testaments, the labours of Hercules, episodes of the Troia's war, the Republica and Imperial Rome. Del Duca Square: Durrounded by "Rocca Roveresca", Palazzetto Baviera and Del Cuca Palace (which, as Macchiavelli tell in his most famous book "The Prince" was scene of the night of S. Valentine dinner where Valantine (to Whome the book is dedicated), exterminated all of his table companion, princes of the various rules of the Cantre Italy),laterally moved by the centre of the square, rise the goose Fountain (now Lyon Fountain) wanted by Francesco Maria II of Rovere in 1599 remembering the conclusion of the works of the reclaim by "saline", marshaland tragically malarial city in the south, and the construction of the waterworks. Portici Ercolani: monumental arches made with white marble which rise on the right side of Misa river, once place of the mercantile strangers representations, who used the port of Senigallia for commercial changes with Papal State (the first half of XIX century through Senigallia is passed the 40% of the nost important goods from the Papal State, all almost during the period of the Fair in summer). Foro Annonario: imposing testimony oif the Marches neo-Classicism, built in 1837, on a draw of the architect Pietro Ghinelli from Senigallia, planner of theatres, decided to build this handwork, important for the aesthetics and on the proportion for the food market of the city and its infrastructure: under the arcade a sequence of shops most of them are meat shops, at the centre of it there is the big fish-market. Recently restructureted is a beautiful place, almostas a theatre's space. Others importan monuments are: the Church of the Cross, the Cathedral, Lambertina gates, Mastai Palace where Pope Pio IX was born, Church of the Grazie. The origins Recentarcheologic recovery testify Neolithic installation before the epoch of IV century Before Christ. The Celtic invasion and the installation of Galli Senoni, between V and IV century before Christ drawed the passage in village defensive city. T the beginning of III century before Christ, the conquest by the Romans who made the forst Roman Colony on the Adriatic Sea, established the transformation of Sena from village in "castrum" (presumed four-sides structure, regular network of the prefctucability, city walls, vallum). It still visible the roman structure until the invasion of the Manfredi's forces in 1264 which, at the time and the follow centuries, is totally cancelled by the devaluations but also because the allucial sediments of the Misa: Since XVI century bedore Christ until the Union of Italy, Sinigaglia has been a very important commercial centre thanks to the free portm, place of the famous "fiera of Sinigaglia". From Malatesta to RoveresHis Successors: Francesco Maria I (who became, in 1508, for eredity, Duke of Urbino)(+1538), Guidobaldo II (+1574), Francesco Maria II (+1631). In 1631 the city, the most important port of the dukedom, back to the Churh until the Unit of Italy